Of course I’m speaking of fiduciary, a word that has been largely unknown in the investment world until the past several months.

An attorney friend calls a

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Warren Ward |

I’ve worked in the world of investments and financial planning for over 25 years, starting as a 
broker in 1991 and having earned my Certified Financial Planner

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Lots of publications provide a “year in review” issue in December, so here are some reflections on issues that affect WWA and our clients.

I’d like to begin by

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Warren Ward |

A recently widowed woman visited our office not long ago asking for help understanding her investment portfolio. Fortunately, she was in good financial shape

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Warren Ward |

If an investor decides that stock ownership seems like a workable strategy for making money over time, how does she or he decide which company to become an

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Warren Ward |

Hedge funds are periodically in the news, so let’s shine a light into that corner of the market beginning with a definition. When used as a verb, hedge means to

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Warren Ward |

Many great fortunes have been made by purchasing the right stock at the right time but the risk inherent in the stock market means that there will always be a

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Early in his career, Johnny Carson emceed an afternoon game show on ABC from which today’s article borrows its title. Carson generally allowed more time for

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Warren Ward |

It’s been a few years since I last discussed Medicare, the government program that helps insure health care costs for those of us who are 65 or older. Since it

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Warren Ward |

Although I’ve been helping people with their investments for twenty-five years, I know there’s always going to be something new to learn so I regularly attend

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Warren Ward |

My previous newsletter kicked off the tour of our office wall which features quotations that I find helpful in various ways. We last heard from Peter Lynch

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